
On an order of the maintenance firm Remote Sensing Laboratory Ltd. performed diagnostic investigations in a flat after repair work. Our task was to sound an arch in the flat wall and to establish position of reinforce elements in it. We received some microwave images of the object. Figure shows the arch sketch and the images, which was received by RASCAN. The images 1, 2, 4 and 5 were received on internal side of the arch and the image 3 from the outside.

The results of the arch sounding

In this figure all dimensions is in mm. The image dimensions and positions correspond to actual dimensions and positions of searching spot. We can see brickwork under a layer of wall plaster in images 1 and 5. The radar shows the layers of bricks and separate bricks with cement between them in this pictures. We can distinguish stretchers and course of headers. They differ in dimensions and brightness.

The image 5 amalgamates two other images. We see that there isn't any seam between images.

1 2
3 4
The images in close-up

In images 2, 3 and 4 we see metallic objects in upper part of the arch. There are three steel channel profiles. The first profile we see on images 2 and 4. The third profile was seen on image c from external side of the arch. To sight the second profile we gauge a signal level from line AA in upper arch point. The level of signal is imaged in figure The cursor with number indicates position of corresponding profile.

The results of sounding on line AA
in upper arch point

One more detail is seen in images 2 and 3. There are bright spots. Two pointers mark them. We presume that there is one more profile. It disposes perpendicularly to other profiles and has been welded to them.

As we know from building designer, there must be portal welded construction in arch according to project on repair work. We searched flanker side of the arch also but we don't see any uprise elements on RASCAN images. This is fault of the firm, which performed repair works same month ago.


Technical info

Exterior view

   animation (2 MB)



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